1:15 P.M.
October 23, 1994
Serving as a cover letter, Doctor Smith, this is to expand the awareness of what comes from my pen to Saint Elizabeth's hospital in Brighton, to Boston City Hospital, to Brigham and Women's Hospital, to Beth Israel Hospital, and to Newton/Wellesley Hospital. Psychiatry departments are being notified increasingly now as to the collapsing of psychiatry and it is being done through the Mass. General Hospital and through you.
In a typed format, Doctor Smith, I am sending what has already come from my pen. In the orderliness of a typed format comes more of the thwarting of psychiatry in its attempt to confront me because I am confronting psychiatry.
In what could be called expanded distribution of notification to psychiatry, there is now also expanded distribution of notification to the Catholic priesthood and hierarchy.
Much more will be coming from my pen, Doctor Smith, but this "cover letter" is raising awareness among psychiatrists that what is taking place is, in fact, without precedent. You are beginning to notice that the "organized" flow of logic that comes from my pen encompasses vast areas of human activity. It is an example of geometric progression or geometric expansion. These additional hospital psychiatry departments now being given copies of what has come from my pen that you have already read is geometric progression or geometric expansion. My "availability" to the logistics of such geometric expansion is 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Thus are you given greater understanding of "how" what is taking place is in fact taking place.
Pope John Paul II
Robert Farley, U.S. Secret Service, Boston Office.
Father Cody, Vatican Embassy, Washington, D.C.
Dr. David Smith, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Alice Flaherty, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Adam Savitz, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Chief of Psychiatry, Saint Elizabeth's Hospital, Brighton.
Psychiatry Department, Boston City Hospital, Boston.
Psychiatry Department, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston.
Psychiatry Department, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston.
Psychiatry Department, Newton/Wellesley Hospital, Newton.
9:30 P.M.
July 28, 1994
Saint Paul:
There would be so many now, George, and in fact there are so many now.I know that Saint Therese of Lisieux and Blessed Katherine Drexel have come to Doctor Flaherty now, Saint Paul. Saint Catherine Laboure too.
8:40 P.M.
July 29, 1994Yes, George, and Saint Bernadette too.
It is Doctor Flaherty's readiness, Saint Paul. Saint Therese of Lisieux has been with her.
More opens up, George, as others now begin to feel the sense of gathering. Dr. Flaherty, Dr. Adam Savitz, Dr. David Smith, Dr. Willett, Dr. Marcus, and so many others on staff and the hospital are now being shown more that you are different. When God has them individually experience you as "different", George, they do not forget what it is that they experience.
6:30 P.M.
August 2, 1994Dialogue stretched out over several days, George, is normal for you because you know of time and you know of eternity. You will be addressing Doctor Smith now, George, as many, many others are gathered into the awareness of your presence.
Thank you, Saint Paul.
You are welcome, George.
In my receiving of locutions, Doctor Smith, some are monologue and some are dialogue. But in that which is in the form of a letter from me to whomever I am addressing, it is always in the form of declarative sentences from me to that person. In this case it is you but many others will be reading it also.
Much more is being manifested about me now, Doctor Smith, and much more will be manifested about me for many years to come.
A very major breakthrough is now being put into words and as such today's date will take on significance to many who will be reading this.
A major confrontation is now being made known, Doctor Smith, between me and all of psychiatry/psychology worldwide. That confrontation is such that I am the single opponent of psychiatry/ psychology and as such, my existence is notifying the entire world of the 100% falsity and 100% valuelessness of the subject of psychiatry/psychology.
Neurology has value, psychiatry has none. Declarative statements, categorical statements, are exactly that. What comes from my pen, Doctor Smith, is not subject to debate, to compromise, to argumentation. What comes from my pen is subject to discernment and only from God's Pope.
The Chief of Psychiatry at Saint Elizabeth's Hospital in Brighton, the Psychiatry Department at the Boston City Hospital, and now the Psychiatry Department at the Mass. General Hospital will be drawn more deeply into witnessing the collapsing of psychiatry as a field of endeavor in the practice of medicine. It will simply go out of existence now and you and others are now being notified that I am the confrontation, the object of notification, that God is now removing psychiatry from His World on Earth.
In order to manifest more of this use of me by God in this one subject of psychiatry, you will note that I have cancer which ties me to oncologists for the rest of my life. And as a patient with cancer, at the Mass. General Hospital, the Mass. General Hospital is no small town, country hospital. There is simply no reason whatsoever for either me or the Mass. General Hospital to terminate the relationship between us. Thus, as a cancer patient, the Department of Psychiatry at the Mass. General Hospital is being directly confronted with the necessity to contact Pope John Paul II as to whether or not statements that come from my pen are authentic. The logic underlying my being an object of confrontation is irrefutable. God has arranged it that way. My ongoing relationship to the Mass. General Hospital as a cancer patient disallows the Department of Psychiatry at the Mass. General Hospital to deal with me as they normally would as a department of psychiatry. And that, essentially, is me confronting psychiatry. God has arranged it in one of the most well known hospitals in the world.
7:30 P.M.
August 14, 1994
Some years ago, Doctor Smith, Dr. Carl Menninger wrote a book with the title of "Whatever Happened to Sin?" Many in the pursuit of psychiatry were notified by that book that psychiatry of itself is valueless. And yet, they refused to relinquish the pursuit of psychiatry. Psychiatry has invaded even the Catholic Priesthood and Hierarchy to such a degree now that you will become aware of the significance of the dates of this which comes from my pen. God's Timing is always Perfect Timing.
Psychiatry, Doctor Smith, issues diagnoses of various human conditions which it considers "mental illnesses" or "psychiatric disorders" or "psychiatric illnesses". These human conditions are given names and those names are considered on a par with names of human conditions such as diabetes, appendicitis, tuberculosis, spinal meningitis, and so forth. Those names assigned to human conditions taken as mental illnesses, are given full stature, without question, are taken for granted in the pursuit of psychiatry, as real.
Does an orthopedic surgeon ever question "manic-depressive"? Does a cardiologist ever question "schizophrenic"? Does an obstetrician ever question "catatonic"? Does an oncologist ever question neurology versus psychiatry?
Within the medical community of doctors there is already enough dissension aimed at psychiatry even though it is somewhat muffled from the general public. Nevertheless, that dissension is in preparation for the complete and total removal of psychiatry from all human endeavor. Psychiatry per se was brought into existence by Sigmund Freud, a known satanist, and is now being put out of existence by God Himself.
Demonic activity through human beings, Doctor Smith, is a subject that has almost been completely muffled, especially by the Catholic Priesthood and Hierarchy. And now that subject is going to be made known in ways the Catholic Priesthood and Hierarchy have been in fear of. Their involvement is in fasting and in continuous prayer, two activities they have almost totally rejected as their own responsibility.
For many, many years, Doctor Smith, God has allowed enormous suffering to take place in many of His human creatures whom psychiatry has categorized under all those names of "psychiatric disorders". And those sufferings have gone on and on and on --- until now. Neurology and pharmacology together can maximize the knowledge of the human brain, Doctor Smith, but what they omit is acknowledging their inability to "correct" whatever malfunction is present in the brain --- either electrical or chemical.
In the Roman Catholic Church, Doctor Smith, one of the prayers which is known worldwide is the prayer to Saint Michael. One of the phrases of the Prayer to Saint Michael is "....and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power, cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls."
This prayer is known throughout Roman Catholicism, Doctor Smith, and the final acknowledgement to the world now, of the existence of demons, and of their activity through human beings, is hereby being given and made known to psychiatry with finality. Psychiatry is unable to confront me, because I am confronting psychiatry.
Those human conditions which psychiatry has given names to under "psychiatric disorders" are manifestations of demonic activity in those human beings, demonic activity which the human being has no participation of will. The knowledge that demons have of the human body and especially the human brain far exceeds the most learned neurologist in the entire world. Pharmacology to a demon is as first grade arithmetic. The demon "wills" those chemical imbalances in the human brain out of its mockery of God. To the demon, the human being is incidental. The demon has disdain for the human being especially because of the human being's miniscule amount of knowledge in general. A psychiatrist is nothing but a toy for a demon because the demon already knows that only fasting and continuous prayer by Catholic priests and bishops will be the "removal" of the demon or demons from the human being. And their deception is now being removed through my pen. Through what you are reading, Doctor Smith, the collapsing of psychiatry worldwide has now begun.
Over years and years many have attempted to "see" some connection between psychiatry and "religion" to no final conclusion. That finality is now, as millions of human creatures will now be led to Catholic priests and bishops and demanding of them that which is their responsibility to begin with --- fasting and continuous prayer on behalf of those human beings under enormous suffering from demonic activity in them. There is no connection between psychiatry and "religion", Doctor Smith, there is only Catholicism and the responsibility of Catholic priests and bishops to get on their knees.
4:00 P.M.
August 21, 1994
In recent years, Doctor Smith, some of the collapsing of psychiatry/psychology has been visible to some members in the so-called "general public." This visibility is now increasing in a geometric way. Once a geometric progression begins, it keeps going. Thus the collapsing of psychiatry/psychology will come to completion.
Psychiatry almost succeeded in eliminating the reality of good vs. evil in human behavior. Psychiatry almost succeeded in removing the reality of demonic activity in human behavior. Psychiatry almost succeeded in removing Catholicism from the entire world on earth. But "almost" is not enough.
One of the most ludicrous examples of a contradiction is a Roman Catholic priest with an M.D. degree who is in the practice of psychiatry. To unravel the motives of such a priest is for that priest to enter the simplicity of fasting and the simplicity of praying rosary after rosary after rosary. In the entire world, Doctor Smith, there are many priests with the above credentials who, if they were to read what comes from my pen, would immediately heap layer upon layer of psychiatric jargon on me, while I would be in the midst of fasting and praying rosary after rosary after rosary. Thus, the ludicrous example of a contradiction of a Roman Catholic priest being a psychiatrist is the absolute pinnacle of deception. Psychiatry has attempted to universalize itself worldwide as the basis of judgment of human behavior, as the basis of the "norm" of human behavior and excludes good vs. evil, sin vs. virtue. Oncology attempts to universalize itself worldwide also as a basis of judgment for the discovery of cancer cells, categorization of cancer cells, etc. and does so with legitimacy. Psychiatry, in its attempt to universalize itself is in direct contradiction to the Universality of the Roman Catholic Church. Psychiatry has attempted to encompass the Roman Catholic Church, to subordinate the Roman Catholic Church to itself to make itself universally superior to all norms of moral theology contained in the Universality of the Roman Catholic Church. The agenda of psychiatry is to remove all fasting and prayer from human activity and thus remove all conversion from sin from humankind. The pursuit of psychiatry is not neurology. The pursuit of psychiatry is not pharmacology. The pursuit of psychiatry is the denial of the necessity for humankind's conversion from sin. And the categories of sin are pride, lust, envy, anger, greed, gluttony, and sloth. Because psychiatry has denied the necessity of conversion from sin, psychiatry itself is now being collapsed and removed from human endeavor. The subject of demons and demonic activity in humans is already demonstrated as fact in many prayers of the Roman Catholic Church. And any members of the Roman Catholic Priesthood and Hierarchy who go on and on denying demonic activity in humans will now be exposed for their leading of people astray.
Psychiatry is now being collapsed and removed, Doctor Smith, and those M.D.'s who are in the practice of psychiatry are being made aware of it. But this which comes from my pen remains as permanent record because worldwide there are psychiatrists on every continent, in every country. Much, much more will come from my pen that will be addressed to you, Doctor Smith, and it is always accompanied by love.
Pope John Paul II
Robert Farley, U.S. Secret Service, Boston Office.
Father Cody, Vatican Embassy, Washington, D.C.
Dr. David Smith, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Adam Savitz, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Alice Flaherty, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
7:50 P.M.
August 28, 1994
Since all psychiatrists are medical doctors, Doctor Smith, the collapsing of psychiatry involves all of those medical doctors who are not psychiatrists. This involvement is unprecedented and this involvement is unavoidable for all medical doctors. The removal of psychiatry from the field of medicine leads all medical doctors to look to Catholic priests and Catholic bishops to address those human conditions previously addressed by psychiatrists.
With the above brief outline that applies to all medical doctors worldwide, it becomes clearer as to the fact that what comes from my pen is being addressed to you, Doctor Smith, in the setting of such a major hospital as the Mass. General Hospital, albeit the oncology department. God is gradually opening up His Gift of Understanding in you, in aspects of understanding you had not anticipated. Again, psychiatry is not confronting me, I am confronting psychiatry. I am not confronting orthopedic surgery, I am not confronting internal medicine, I am not confronting dermatology, --- I am confronting psychiatry. Through the Mass. General Hospital now, it will be made known throughout the medical profession worldwide that psychiatry is being confronted by George and psychiatry is being removed from existence.
One human condition that psychiatry labels as psychosis or psychotic is the condition most accessible to motivation. Increasingly now, medical doctors who are not psychiatrists are going to have manifested to them the widespread sloth and denial of responsibility by Catholic priests and bishops toward those humans labeled psychotic by psychiatrists.
One of the characteristics of psychosis is the absence of remorse in the human being for any act whatsoever he or she commits that is harmful to another. What psychiatry completely bypasses is to ask whether or not the "psychosis" is demonic or human. If the "psychosis" is demonic it is simply a case of possession, either partial or complete, and if the "psychosis" is human it is simply the complete rejection of love with finality by the human creature, i.e., the sin against the Holy Spirit.
If the "psychosis" is demonic only a Catholic priest or bishop has direct responsibility for that suffering human being and that direct responsibility involves the requirement of Catholic priests and bishops to fast and pray continuously for the removal of that demon or demons from that human being.
Many psychiatrists have experienced the "coldness" of demonic presence in human beings labeled psychotic but those very same psychiatrists become seduced even more deeply into sins of pride believing they remain superior to that "coldness." That "coldness" is raw demonic evil that can only be confronted with humility and prayer by the Roman Catholic priesthood and hierarchy. Thousands upon thousands of suicides are committed by demonic presences in human beings and the sloth and complacency of the Roman Catholic priesthood and hierarchy goes on and on. In the process of me confronting psychiatry, Doctor Smith, more and more medical doctors are witnessing the sloth and complacency of the Roman Catholic priesthood and hierarchy. In the process of me confronting psychiatry, medical doctors will begin to confront Catholic priests and bishops with their sloth and complacency toward suffering human beings. That equation is guaranteed.
Only now is the finality of the relationship of the Roman Catholic priesthood and hierarchy to suffering human beings with labels of "psychiatric disorders" being made known clearly and with certitude. Medical doctors pursuing the practice of psychiatry are having it made known to them now that that relationship of Catholic priests and bishops to those human beings suffering under those labels of "psychiatric disorders" supercedes the relationship of psychiatrists to those human beings. And that relationship has the intrinsic responsibility inherent in the Sacrament of Holy Orders, to fast and pray continuously on behalf of those suffering human beings. Responsibilities inherent in the Sacrament of Holy Orders toward suffering human beings are far, far greater than the responsibility inherent in a Doctor of Medicine degree. Beginning only with psychiatry now, Doctor Smith, it becomes clearer that inherent responsibilities in the Sacrament of Holy Orders of Catholic priests and bishops have been kept hidden and even denied by those Catholic priests and bishops. And now those inherent responsibilities are being made known and manifested to the medical community in general.
Only now is the Sacrament of Holy Orders being presented to medical doctors in such a dimension as medical doctors seeing themselves as having been betrayed many, many times by Roman Catholic priests and bishops who have refused to fast and pray continuously for those suffering human beings who come into the inherent responsibility of the Sacrament of Holy Orders in specific priests and bishops. When specific suffering human beings have come into the full awareness of specific priests and bishops and those specific priests and bishops, with awareness, have rejected their inherent responsibility they thus betray those suffering human beings. And all of this takes place in the silence of that priest or bishop rejecting his responsibility toward that suffering human being.
Only now, Doctor Smith, in the unprecedented content of what comes from my pen being made known and permanentized. The removal of demons from human creatures is accomplished by God through fasting and prayer of His Priesthood and Hierarchy. There is no such thing as denying the existence of demons --- no such thing. Period. They do horrible things to human beings in their mockery of God and psychiatry is now being notified with finality that it is valueless. And medical doctors who are not in the pursuit of psychiatry are having manifested to them the inherent responsibility in the Sacrament of Holy Orders in Catholic priests and bishops.
Expanding from the Mass. General Hospital, Doctor Smith, as to the awareness of what comes from my pen involves the entire medical profession worldwide. It involves more than that but expanding through the Mass. General Hospital is the awareness that psychiatry has been rendered powerless to confront George. Because George is confronting psychiatry. But I confront it with love. Yes, Doctor Smith, psychiatry is powerless to confront me. More will you be reading from my pen.
Pope John Paul II
Robert Farley, U.S. Secret Service, Boston Office.
Father Cody, Vatican Embassy, Washington, D.C.
Dr. David Smith, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Adam Savitz, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Alice Flaherty, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
7:10 P.M.
September 4, 1994
Establishing permanent record on many subjects, of what comes from my pen, Doctor Smith, is a means of establishing the future with retroactivity.
The re-reading of the above statement will establish more of my simplicity in the understanding of the reader.
Through volumes and volumes of subject matter that has come from my pen over a 10+ year period of time there is now established so much permanent record that has been presented already to countless numbers of individuals. With this in mind, Doctor Smith, it becomes unavoidable fact that as the logic of what comes from my pen expands, more and more doctors become drawn into the subject matter of what now comes from my pen --- namely the collapsing and removal of psychiatry from the world.
Statistically, Doctor Smith, medical doctors in the practice of psychiatry have the highest rate of abuse of patients of all groups of medical doctors in the pursuit of other specialties. This fact is known among psychiatrists and is known to them as a sign of the fallacy of psychiatry, as a sign of the valuelessness of psychiatry. Those medical doctors in the practice of psychiatry already know that the practice of psychiatry affords them the greatest opportunities for sins of pride, for sins of lust, for sins of greed, and for sins of sloth, over any other specialty they could choose. And again, that knowledge serves as a sign of the fallacy of psychiatry and of the valuelessness of psychiatry. Those categories of sin in particular --- namely pride, lust, greed, sloth, --- are well known as opportunistic for medical doctors in the practice of psychiatry. And as such do those medical doctors pursue one or two or three or all four of those categories of sin. And they do so under the cover of deceit that psychiatry is a valid entity. It is not. And now are more and more medical doctors in the pursuit of psychiatry being notified as to their pursuit of sins of pride, sins of lust, sins of greed, and sins of sloth.
In the worldwide medical community of medical doctors there is almost zero credibility given to anyone without a medical degree who makes statements on medical subjects. There is one exception --- the subject of psychiatry. This is also a fact that is known among medical doctors but that has not been stated in writing until now --- from my pen. Thus there is now further manifesting of the reality that this subject matter coming from my pen has validity. The fact that what comes from my pen is self-evident is often denied by readers of it initially. But because what comes from my pen remains as permanent record it becomes, in the future, retroactively applicable. There is no way to escape that which comes from my pen and now what comes from my pen is diffusing into the medical community of medical doctors. And what comes from my pen expands more and more.
Neurology and pharmacology have the means to chemically and electrically thwart the activity of demons on the human brain and nervous system with their wills while psychiatry keeps Catholic priests and bishops from removing the demons through fasting and prayer. And thus the suffering human being goes on and on while the demons remain in him or her in a state of horrendous glee. Psychiatry has denied the existence of demons and the vast majority of Catholic priests and bishops deny the existence of demons and now I am the confrontation of psychiatry and of Catholic priests and bishops. And that confrontation is now final and is being made known. The confrontation comes through that which comes from my pen and that which comes from my pen is unprecedented. It is unprecedented because it is in God's Timing and God's Timing is always perfect.
A phrase that has come from my pen in the past is: Perfect Logic comes from Perfect Love. God's Logic, Doctor Smith, becomes more and more manifested through my pen. You are a medical doctor, Doctor Smith, and more and more of what comes from my pen dissolves all psychiatric opinion of me like water dissolves sugar. I am confronting psychiatry, psychiatry is not confronting me. Psychiatry is unable to cope with the logic of what comes from my pen and thus is psychiatry revealed in its deceit. Much more will you read from my pen, Doctor Smith, as Perfect Logic remains as coming from Perfect Love.
Pope John Paul II.
Robert Farley, U.S. Secret Service, Boston Office.
Father Cody, Vatican Embassy, Washington, D.C.
Dr. David Smith, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Adam Savitz, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Alice Flaherty, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
8:00 P.M.
September 5, 1994
Evidence of increasing awareness of the collapsing of psychiatry, Doctor Smith, is accumulating in such a way that many medical doctors, who are not in the practice of psychiatry, are relieved that that collapsing has begun. It is 1994, Doctor Smith, and not ever, in the past 100 years, has anything ever been stated in writing regarding psychiatry as that which is being stated through my pen.
Presumptiveness committed by psychiatry, Doctor Smith, is a subject that is now surfacing in many places in all its abuses and absurdities. Presumptiveness that equates psychiatry with the validity of oncology, or the validity of orthopedics, or the validity of internal medicine. Internal medicine can ascertain the validity of appendicitis. Period. Psychiatry has demanded that it equate its diagnoses with that same degree of validity as internal medicine diagnosing appendicitis. The presumptiveness that obsessive-compulsive has the same validity as appendicitis is an example of what is now being exposed to many people as false, invalid, and deceitful. Many, many medical doctors in the practice of psychiatry have the complete knowledge of the presumptiveness of psychiatry but go on in the falseness, invalidness, and deception of it for the sake of their personal pursuit of pride, of lust, of greed, or of sloth. It is 1994, Doctor Smith, and the pursuit of psychiatry is no longer acceptable and its collapse is being hastened by that which comes through my pen.
Within the numbers of medical doctors in the practice of psychiatry there are many now who have already recognized an uneasiness that is spreading among their numbers. This uneasiness is brought about by the increasing awareness that pride is in fact a sin, that lust is in fact a sin, that greed is in fact a sin, and that sloth is in fact a sin. This increasing awareness, Doctor Smith, is God's Way of expanding His Infinite Mercy. This increasing awareness among those medical doctors in the practice of psychiatry is increasing geometrically now as all medical doctors in the practice of psychiatry are being called to the practice of medicine in its valid specialties and in its overall general practice. Vast imbalances in validity versus invalidity are now being corrected. There is no precedent for the magnitude of what is taking place, Doctor Smith, as it becomes more logical for notification to be through such a well known hospital as the Massachusetts General.
There is no way that what comes from my pen will be ignored by the administration of the Mass. General Hospital. There is no way that it will be thwarted and silenced. Far too many medical doctors in the practice of psychiatry already recognize their own silent acquiescence of the truth of what comes from my pen. They already recognize that they can no longer hide behind pharmacology. They already recognize that never have they seen it put into words the way it is put into words through my pen.
Over 100 years of invalidity, falseness, and deception, within the otherwise valid practice of medicine, psychiatry is now being removed from the practice of medicine never again to re-enter the practice of medicine. Over a century of deception, Doctor Smith, as Catholic priests and bishops now become notified that their fasting and prayer will begin, and intensify.
Psychiatry is being exposed now, Doctor Smith, and the permanent record, of what comes from my pen, becomes better understood by many.
Pope John Paul II
Robert Farley, U.S. Secret Service, Boston Office.
Father Cody, Vatican Embassy, Washington, D.C.
Dr. David Smith, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Adam Savitz, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Alice Flaherty, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
6:45 P.M.
September 7, 1994
Presenting what is coming from my pen to the overall medical community through you, Doctor Smith, makes it more understandable now that it is permanent record.
It is becoming more obvious now, Doctor Smith, that the subject matter of me confronting psychiatry is an expanding situation and is unprecedented. Without animosity, I am confronting psychiatry until its complete collapse and removal from the entire world. And I am simply doing it through my presence and through what comes from my pen. This is how medical doctors in the practice of psychiatry will view the simplicity of it and this is how they will find themselves unable to confront me.
All oncology has credibility to the general public, all psychiatry does not. There are syllogisms and there are syllogisms. Oncology may pursue new knowledge, new research, new techniques, but oncology always retains its credibility to the general public. Oncology may fail in items of new research but it still retains its credibility that it was pursuing new research in good faith. Psychiatry pursues pharmacology in order to keep itself in existence and not to cure or heal the patient. Its pursuit is not in good faith and that self-serving pursuit has always been noticeable to the general public and thus does psychiatry have no credibility to the general public.
The time is rapidly arriving, Doctor Smith, whereby the American Psychiatric Association will be overwhelmed with worldwide Psychiatric Associations besieging it for confirmation of the reality of what comes from my pen. It is only through my pen, Doctor Smith, that the subject of the collapse and removal of psychiatry is being stated and outlined. There is no other notification in the whole world --- only through my pen. And the simplicity of me is oftentimes too preposterous for many to even read. Nevertheless, the simplicity remains and expands and becomes increasingly known as permanent record. What comes from my pen is available to medical doctors in the practice of psychiatry thus isolating them even more from medical doctors who are not in the practice of psychiatry.
Pope John Paul II
Robert Farley, U.S. Secret Service, Boston Office.
Father Cody, Vatican Embassy, Washington, D.C.
Dr. David Smith, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Adam Savitz, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Alice Flaherty, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
6:20 P.M.
September 24, 1994
In the chronology of events that contribute to the collapsing of psychiatry, Doctor Smith, there now comes the matter of Dr. Roderick Anscombe.
Dr. Anscombe's position on staff at Harvard Medical School brings him in direct relationship to the Massachusetts General Hospital, the teaching hospital for Harvard Medical School. In spite of the length of the attached newspaper article on Dr. Anscombe it will be made part of permanent record. The hideousness of the pursuit of psychiatry by medical doctors is being manifested in an overall way now with Dr. Anscombe.
As the falseness of psychiatry becomes more and more self-evident, Doctor Smith, simultaneously do the abuses of those pursuing the practice of psychiatry become self-evident also.
From the Mass. General Hospital to the Harvard Medical School does that which comes from my pen now enter. The notoriety of Harvard Medical School, Doctor Smith, is now being utilized for the more rapid collapsing of psychiatry in the entire world. God has arranged that the Archdiocese of Boston is the geographical focal point for many, many notifications that go on permanent record through my pen. Harvard Medical School is known worldwide and Dr. Anscombe's relationship on staff of Harvard Medical School is now requiring Harvard Medical School to evaluate retroactively what comes from my pen.
The collapse and removal of psychiatry from the entire world, Doctor Smith, is only one item on a very long agenda. Other items on that agenda are not being reiterated here but it is only for the sake of manifesting my simplicity that such a statement is even being made.
There are those medical doctors who will look upon Dr. Anscombe as a total waste of medical school, a total waste of an entire medical education. There are those medical doctors who will look upon Dr. Anscombe as a fraud, a charlatan, a complete insult to the healing profession. There are those medical doctors who will look upon Dr. Anscombe as a waste product.
Those are strong words, Doctor Smith, and yet, if surveys were possible, those will now be the reaction to Dr. Anscombe by many, many medical doctors.
Treating 100 murder suspects as perverse comedy, Dr. Anscombe insults the entire healing profession of medicine. Treating those murdered as inconsequential, Dr. Anscombe insults the entire spectrum of differentiating between human evil and demonic evil. Dr. Anscombe has used both suspected murderers and those who were murdered for increases in his sins of pride and for increases in his sins of greed.
Worldwide, Doctor Smith, the abuses of psychiatry can only be described as outrageous and unacceptable. And the matter of Dr. Roderick Anscombe is a major component now in the further erosion of credibility given to the pursuit of psychiatry by some. The matter of Dr. Roderick Anscombe is now permanent record and will present more of the reality that I am confronting psychiatry and that psychiatry is not confronting me.
Pope John Paul II
Robert Farley, U.S. Secret Service, Boston Office.
Father Cody, Vatican Embassy, Washington, D.C.
Dr. David Smith, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Adam Savitz, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Adam Savitz, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Roderick Anscombe, Harvard Medical School.
Joseph Kahn, Boston Globe.
5:05 P.M. September 28, 1994
A little over a year ago, Doctor Smith, the enclosed letter, (in typewritten form) was one that came from my pen. It has been distributed to many.
As further evidence of my confronting psychiatry as to its falseness, whatever comes from my pen cannot be ignored by those medical doctors who pursue psychiatry. You, Doctor Smith, are noticing that the word "unprecedented" is taking on fuller meaning to you as regards what comes from my pen.
Psychiatry is being removed as a destroyer of credibility in me, Doctor Smith. Psychiatry is being removed as a cloud of doubt inflicted on that which comes from my pen. Psychiatry is being disintegrated now, Doctor Smith, as a means of perpetuating deceit. Psychiatry is no longer able to "universalize" its diagnoses in its quest to eradicate that which is only subject to discernment. Diagnosis is not discernment and discernment is not diagnosis. And psychiatry, in its deceit from its inception, almost succeeded in eradicating the entire subject of discernment from the entire world on earth. It is only now, Doctor Smith, that that deceit of psychiatry is being exposed and verbalized. And psychiatry is now being notified of its failure to achieve that eradication of discernment from the world. And it is being notified through my pen.
You, Doctor Smith, have now been drawn into a situation which will last for the rest of your life. This situation will deepen and expand day by day as you recognize more and more that the word "unprecedented" applies more and more. You will come to recognize more and more that the deeper corruption of psychiatry was that it would have even succeeded in universalizing itself as greater than love. Because the seed of psychiatry is hatred. It denies the Sacrament of Confession, it denies the Forgiveness of Sins, it denies God's Graces, it denies God. Without that which comes from my pen, Doctor Smith, psychiatry would have even succeeded in universalizing itself as greater than love. God is Love.
Logic proceeds. Logic is also unfolding. What comes from my pen is not subject to diagnosis, it is subject to discernment. And psychiatry is now being stymied with finality. What comes from my pen is not subject to debate because what comes from my pen is in the form of declarative sentences that are subject to discernment. The nature of declarative sentences closes the door on debate and thus leads a reader to seek discernment.
Psychiatry does not have the ability to penetrate the vastness of logic that comes from my pen and what comes from my pen remains as permanent record. Thus does it become even more noticeable that I am confronting psychiatry. Worldwide, Doctor Smith, the Catholic priesthood and hierarchy will be made aware of their singular responsibility on behalf of those human beings currently subject to the falseness of psychiatry. Fasting and prayer by priests, bishops, and cardinals is required around the clock, Doctor Smith, and fasting and prayer by priests, bishops, and cardinals is the required beginning of reparation to God for sin. In one complete circle back to Dr. Carl Menninger is the declarative sentence that the seed of psychiatry is hatred. And that declarative sentence escaped Dr. Carl Menninger in its finality while he recognized that somehow, somewhere, psychiatry was suspect.
With the subject of abortion now, Doctor Smith, controversy expands. It is impossible for anyone to "erase the record" of that which has come from my pen. God is publicly restoring my credibility now and psychiatry is unable to stop Him. Abortion is the catalyst for the collapsing of everything in God's World on Earth that is not His Will. Abortion is the catalyst, just as you understand catalyst. Abortion is the catalyst for the collapsing of that long list on the agenda. Abortion is the catalyst for the collapsing of psychiatry. Abortion is the catalyst for the collapsing of governments. Abortion is the catalyst for the collapsing of everything in God's World on Earth that is not His Will.
Much more will be written, Doctor Smith, and through my pen it becomes even more evident to you that psychiatry is being annihilated in its attempt to confront me. I await dogmatic discernment of me from God's Pope. I am a child.
Pope John Paul II
Robert Farley, U.S. Secret Service, Boston Office.
Father Cody, Vatican Embassy, Washington, D.C.
Dr. David Smith, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Alice Flaherty, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Adam Savitz, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.