Father Philip J. Reilly
70-31 46th Ave.
Woodside, N.Y. 11377

April 22, 1995

Dear Father Reilly,

You will be receiving and reading this in typewritten format but with a photocopy of my handwritten writing enclosed in a separate envelope for you. It is a simple proceddure for the sake of a greater understanding on your part. The contents of what you will be reading are permanent record and as such they become available for others to read.

I am George, Father Reilly. I am George of George and John Mark. I was in attendance at the panel presentation on Friday evening at which you gave a presentation on the subject of the spiritual battles involved in pro-life activism.

In an increasing understanding of Evangelium Vitae there will be made known, in an unprecedented degree of worldwide awareness, the reality of the Papacy. It is the Papacy that God has now raised higher in human awareness by the promulgation of Evangelium Vitae. And the Papacy is God's Will. The existence of the Papacy in God's world on earth is, in fact, God's Will. Thus if anyone were to struggle to find at least one certitude of what is or what is not God's Will, the Papacy would come under the heading of certitude as being God's Will.

Now it is such that I begin this letter to you that the Papacy has certitude of being God's Will.

In the actual writing of an encyclical, Father Reilly, any Pope draws on vast quantity of background material that is available to him as well as any present day material that is presenting itself to him. But the actual task of wrting it and composing it is a monumental task. Nevertheless, because the Papacy is God's Will, and that fact is accepted with certitude, God simply does not abandon His Pope while His Pope is writing and composing an encyclical. Thus, anyone may feel himself or herself being raised higher in undestanding as the logic above leads to the reality that in the writing and composing of Evangelium Vitae, God did not abandon Pope John Paul II. God Himself, Father Reilly, did not abandon Pope John Paul II in his writing and composing Evangelium Vitae. You will become aware now, that abortion is the catalyst that God is now using to collapse everything in His entire world on earth that is not His Will. Abortion is the catalyst. Abortions will now proceed to zero worldwide as governments collapse, nations collapse, institutions collapse, infrastructures collapse, as all sin collapses. And you will know with certitude that the categories of sin are pride, lust, envy, anger, greed, gluttony, and sloth.

You are being drawn in to the contents of what comes from my pen, Father Reilly, as you become aware that you are being notified interiorly of the reality of the final betrayals of the Roman Catholic Church by many in the priesthood and hierarchy in the United States of America. You are becoming aware that many of these betrayals are final and permanent and that fasting and prayer by priests and bishops is becoming mandatory instead of optional.

You are a member of the Catholic Priesthood, Father Reilly. For the record I am sending you a copy of a letter from me to a Father Paul Sullivan. His reaction to that letter was his publicly removing me from leading the rosary after daily Mass. His public removal of me was his slander and calumny against me. In the course of the next year and a half I presented a copy of it to 750 priests in the Archdiocese of Boston out of the approximate total of 2,000 priests in the Archdiocese of Boston.

I am submitting this letter to Father Sullivan to you and the statistics of 750 priests having received a copy of it in the Archdiocese of Boston as a matter of permanent record. The permanent record becomes clear when not one of those 750 priests came forward and acknowledged the responsibility of the priesthood and hierarchy in the matter of rejecting sin and pursuing virtue. There is no ignorance left, Father Reilly. There is no lack of knowledge left. The priesthood and hierarchy know. Where are those 50,000 priests in the United States of America, where are those 400+ bishops in the United States of America?

The Book of Lamentations has already been written. The Book of Job has already been written. The Book of Isaias has already been written. The Gospels have already been written. When, Father Reilly, are you going to your fellow priests and bishops instead of pursuing your own will and tell them to get on their knees literally and beg Our Blessed Mother, without ceasing, to go to her Divine Son and ask Him to stop this slaughter of abortion. When, Father Reilly? When will you priests and bishops give up your sins of pride, your sins of lust, your sins of envy, your sins of anger, your sins of greed, your sins of gluttony, your sins of sloth. When? When will you acknowledge that you have received the Sacrament of Holy Orders and that you have received graces from God that are specific to the Sacrament of Holy Orders and to the Sacrament of Holy Orders only? When will you realize that pride has brought on abortion, that lust has brought on abortion, that envy has brought on abortion, that anger has brought on abortion, that greed has brought on abortion, that gluttony has brought on abortion, that sloth has brought on abortion? Which of your sins, Father Reilly, are causing another abortion to be offered to God as reparation? You are one of those 50,000 priests here in the United States of America and when will you and the others get on your knees in Churches and Chapels lest more and more unborn babies are slaughtered in their mothers' wombs in reparation to Almighty God for the sins of His Priesthood and Hierarchy?

Yes, Father Reilly, to you it is being introduced now as what really lies behind the subject of abortion. Abortion is the finality, the catalyst, the sign. His Church will not be Holy without His Priesthood and Hierarchy being Holy, and thus His Priesthood will be Holy, His Church will be Holy, His entire World on Earth will be Holy. And abortion is the offering to Himself, the reparation due Him for the outrageous sins committed against Him by His Priesthood. His Own Priesthood, Father Reilly, His Own Priesthood. Now look at those bodies ripped out of their mothers' wombs and think of your own sins against God. Look at those faces on those decapitated heads and think of your own pride or lust or envy or anger or greed or gluttony or sloth. Yes, Father Reilly, the outrageous vastness of multimillions of slaughtered unborn babies worldwide reflects the outrageous vastness of the betrayals, the sacrileges, the insults, the sins, that God's priests and bishops commit against Him.

Much more will be written through my pen, Father Reilly, but you are the first to be notified of what lies behind the subject of abortion. Two thousand years ago He used the deaths of the Holy Innocents as reparation to Himself for the sins of the twelve whom He later would gather to Himself to begin His Founding of His Church. And now He offers aborted human babies to Himself to justify His giving of Graces of Conversion from sin to His priests and bishops for the finality of their accepting them or rejecting them. And you are one of those priests, Father Reilly. The outrageousness of broken bodies, torn limbs, scalded skin, crushed skulls, taking place in the slaughtering of unborn babies while still in their mothers' wombs, Father Reilly, reflects the reality of the outrageousness of the sins and sacrileges that priests and bishops commit against God. It is He Who decides what His Own Infinite Justice is and He will now make it known that as the sins and sacrileges of His priests and bishops decrease, so also will abortions decrease. He made much known about sin in His Holy Scripture and He made much known about those who betrayed Him. Now, Father Reilly, He will make it known about what really lies behind the subject of abortion, namely that He is assigning the horrendous slaughtering of His unborn babies, in accordance with His Infinite Justice, to Himself as reparation for the sins and sacrileges commited against Him by His priests and bishops. The laity will become aware of all of this, Father Reilly, even to the complicity of some in the priesthood and hierarchy with the abrtion industry itself.

One of the unmentioned aspects of abortion, Father Reilly, is the non-nationalistic offense of it. The commiting of abortion has no aggressiveness of one nation over another. But abortion will now be the division of the entire world's population. In the universality of the committing of abortion is reflective of the universality of the Catholic Priesthood and Hierarchy. Abortion is committed in the whole world. Priests and bishops are everywhere in the whole world. Abortion is finality. Not one priest or member of the hierarchy will be left unaccounted for now by God in His initiating of His Graces of Conversion from sin. He has already begun distributing and increasing those Graces in His Priesthood and Hierarchy and He now makes it known that He is no longer allowing Himself to be offended by the outrageous sacrileges, sins, insults, and blasphemies committed against Him by His Priesthood and Hierarchy. He is no longer allowing it, Father Reilly. And He is now making it known that the horrendousness of the multimillions of abortions worldwide are reflective of the outrageous condotion of sin of His Priesthood and Hierarchy worldwide.

Father Paul Marx, Father Habiger, Father Smith, and you Father Reilly, can now look at your own sins in relationship to those innocent unborn babies slaughtered in their mothers' wombs and decide to get on your own knees in Our Blessed Mother's rosary or reject doing so. But what comes from my pen remains as permanent record and serves the future with a retroactive record of contents, dates, names, and the permanent recording of referring everyone to the Papacy. The conversion of God's Priesthood and Hierarchy from their sins of pride, from their sins of lust, from their sins of envy, from their sins of anger, from their sins of greed, from their sins of glutttony, from their sins of sloth, is now being offered to them by God with finality. Yes, Father Reilly, with finality. And now you are aware of it. Now you are aware that what comes from my pen has no precedent and the contents of what comes from my pen leads you into a direct confrontation of your own sins against God and no one else's.

He has chosen abortion to be the catalyst for His collapsing of everything in His entire world on earth that is not His Will. You are being confronted with your own sins now, Father Reilly, as are an increasing number of priests and bishops as well. However, it is only now that you are reading it in words and those words are coming from my pen and I am George of George and John Mark.



Pope John Paul II
Robert Farley, U.S. Secret Service, Boston Office.
Father Cody, Vatican Embassy, Washington, D.C.