December 31, 1994

Scott Harshbarger
Massachusetts Attorney General
State House
Boston, Massachussetts

Increasingly now, more people are coming to understand that abortion is the catalyst for the collapsing of everything in God's entire World that is not His Will.

Abortion is the catalyst. And abortion is now dividing the entire human race between those who love God and those who do not.

You are unable to contain the upheaval that is now exploding because abortion is the finality of notification. Abortion is the wanton slaughtering of helpless, unborn, babies. Worldwide, the toll is horrendous and locally in the Archdiocese of Boston the toll is being brought to zero. Because of the fact that it is the Archdiocese of Boston means that the notification through my pen becomes even more stark.

In God's Ways, upon my walking into a coffee shop in downtown Montreal this morning I was faced with the front page of a Montreal newspaper featuring as its front page story the Brookline abortion clinics' employees' muders. Both of those clinics I have stood in front of, praying the rosary. I would have been there Friday morning also had I not gone to Montreal twenty four hours prior to that, on a simple pilgrimage to Saint Joseph's Oratory.

No one, I repeat, no one, will write to you in the manner in which I do now. The enclosures I am sending give you a better idea of what you are up against in the explosion of awareness among people regarding the subject of abortion and the fact that it is the catalyst for the collapsing of everything in God's entire World on Earth that is not His Will.

I am George. I am George of George and John Mark. What comes from my pen remains permanent record and serves as such for future analysis of the collapsing of everything in God's entire World on Earth that is not His Will.

You and every one of your colleagues in law enforcement agencies are up against unprecedented obstacles to avoiding God's Will. God is no longer allowing Himself to be mocked. The subject of abortion is His Choice of a catalyst to bring about His Collapsing of everything that is in opposition to His Will.

God's Ways are not man's ways and you are now beginning to witness your own drowning in the unprecedented magnitude of what is taking place surrounding the subject of abortion.

Reparation is a word that is almost totally unfamiliar to you but reparation to God for sin, all sin, will be made. The notification that comes from my pen will go on expanding and God's World on Earth is now being brought to its knees in reparation to Him. You will become increasingly unable now to cope with the ramifications of the United States Supreme Court vs. God.


Pope John Paul II
Robert Farley, U.S. Secret Service, Boston Office.
Father Cody, Vatican Embassy, Washington, D.C.
Dr. David Smith, Mass. General Hospital, Boston.
Chief of Psychiatry, Saint Elizabeth's Hospital, Brighton.
Psychiatry Department, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston.
Psychiatry Department, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston.
Lester Strong, Channel 7 News, Boston.


List of abortionists with home addresses.
My letter to Father Paul Sullivan
My letters to Dr. David Smith