8:40 P.M.
May 24, 1990

Father Cody
Vatican Embassy
Washington, D.C.

As God now begins to show you more of His Omnipotence, He begins to raise you gently now in His Gift of Understanding. In my visit to you today in Washington He arranged for that one Hail Mary to be prayed inside the embassy building itself by me with you and James participating. And inside the Vatican Embassy building did He bring me on the day of the Second Glorious Mystery, His Ascension into Heaven. And the two men dressed in white, John Mark and I, spoke those words - Men of Galilee. Yes Father Cody, on this day, the feast of the Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven, did He bring me inside the Vatican Embassy in Washington, D.C. to pray one Hail Mary to begin bringing the entire United States of America into His Church. And you and James participated in that one Hail Mary, Father Cody, and God now begins raising you in His Gift of Understanding.


Pope John Paul II
Father Alexis
Father Groden
Father Putney
Father Peter
Father David
Robert Farley, U.S. Secret Service, Boston Office.