6:05 P.M.
May 27, 1990

Father Cody
Vatican Embassy
Washington, D.C.

In the passing of days and in the passing of years is found the culmination now of final discernment of me and of final discernment of that which comes from my pen.

In my statement to you in your presence that to James and I you are the Vatican Embassy, there is found the simplicity of the additional staement of mine to you that God will raise you now in His Gift of Understanding. The simple awesomeness of who and what I am, Father Cody, is comtinually demonstrated daily to those whom God chooses to carry out His continued manifesting of me to His entire World on Earth. And as with me, so also with John Mark. But now, Father Cody, the ramifications of actions within the Vatican Embassy in Washington, D.C. in regard to John Mark and I will be made known publicly beginning with every sovereign nation that has formal diplomatic relations with the United States of America.

The lieing carried out by Archbishop Cassidy in the Vatican and by Archbihop Pio Loghi in the Vatican Embassy in Washington, D.C. will be made known now with finality to every sovereign nation that has formal diplomatic realtions with the Holy See. For God Himself is now collapsing with finality the Secretariat of State functions and operations in the Holy See. Shortly God's entire World on Earth will witness the entire Roman Curia dissolving and becoming functionless, Father Cody, as God raises still higher His Beloved Pope, John Paul II, in preparing him to come to Boston and to Kennebunkport to bring John Mark and I back together again.

Saint Andrew;

God's Gifts, Father Cody, are conferred by Him in whatever way He so chooses. I love my brother Peter and my brother Peter loves me. And it was to my brother Peter that Our Lord said you are Peter. It was not to me nor to Our Lord's other Apostles. He initiated the Papacy, Father Cody, when He said to my brother Peter you are Peter. And now, Father Cody, does God issue discernment of George and John Mark through the successor to my brother Peter, Pope John Paul II. To the Papacy, Father Cody, belongs God's Gift of Infallibility. And in the Papacy there is only one at a time. And currently, God's Beloved Pope, John Paul II, is that one.

Saint Philip;

I am Saint Philip, Father Cody, in this locution through George. And it is George who awaits a final decision about him from Pope John Paul II. And James' accompanying of George to the Vatican Embassy in Washington, D.C., was preceded by James' several trips to the Vatican in Rome seeking discernment of George there. Now, Father Cody, does God bring together the Vatican in Rome and the Vatican Embassy in Washington, D.C. for the final discernment of George and John Mark on behalf of God's entire World on Earth. Now you will come to understand though God's Gift of Understanding that Perfect Logic comes from Perfect Love.

Saint Bartholomew;

George will continue in this writing to you now, Father Cody, as God provides differentiation between locutions that George receives and that which George writes. All of that which comes from George's pen, George submits to God's Church Authority for discernment.

Saint Andrew, Saint Philip, and Saint Bartholomew are my friends, Father Cody. And they help me often. And now they help me still more. It is now, Father Cody, that the United States Secret Service becomes still more of my relationship to Pope John Paul II and of James' relationship to Pope John Paul II. And now will you come to know of your relationship to Pope John Paul II as well. I love you, Father Cody, and James does also.


Pope John Paul II
Father Alexis
Father Groden
Father Putney
Father Peter
Father David
Robert Farley, U.S. Secret Service, Boston Office.