January 28, 2000
Dear James,
In the midst of the world's demands for daily secular existence, this date of January 28th is not passing by without acknowledging Saint Thomas Aquinas to you. Not only acknowledging him to you, but showing gratitude to you for you having acknowledged him. With the above said, I am only saying hello on the Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas, James. But more than just saying hello, because you have paid much attention to that which Saint Thomas Aquinas has written for all the world to read. You have paid much attention to Summa Theologica. And now Saint Thomas Aquinas is going to pay much attention to you.
All of the above paragraph, James, is extraordinary. It is in a fullness of love. But what is more simple about it is that the above paragraph is true. On today's date of the Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas I am sitting down here in Boston, writing this letter to you, in Rome. On the Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas. From Boston to Rome could be called space. And from Church Triumphant to Church Militant could be called time, or eternity. Either way, Roman Catholicism is in space, and it is in time, and in eternity. Thus the simplicity of the conclusionary aspect of John Mark and I becomes noticeable and unmistakable. In today's Gospel for the Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Our Lord spoke of a mustard seed. Sixteen years ago, James, He called me His Mustard Seed of Love. He had planted me in His World on Earth and He told me I would grow, because I was His Mustard Seed of Love. Sixteen years ago He gave me back a memory of John Mark and I looking into the palm of His hand as He showed us how small mustard seeds were. He let us see even one, in the palm of His hand. He spoke in parables, James, but He showed John Mark and I mustard seeds in the palm of His hand and we were in awe of the tiniest of seeds which He created in His Creation. And sixteen years ago He called me His Mustard Seed of Love, so so tiny and yet I would grow as He infused even more into me with His Gift of Understanding as to me being one of His two Children of Love. His Kingdom of Love He has already planted, James, by planting His Mustard Seed of Love in His World on Earth. That is more of the understanding of who, and what, I am.
All of it is inside the reality of the fullness of Roman Catholicism and His Church. I am in union with Him and John Mark is unioned to me. In Church Triumphant, Saint Thomas Aquinas now has the fullness of the integration of Summa Theologica with John Mark and I. The mystery of us, James, becomes more and more opened up now in the fullness of Roman Catholicism and His Church. Just as you have been brought deeper and deeper in the opening up of understanding of the Papacy, and of the reality of Our Lord having founded His Church, you also have been brought deeper and deeper into permanently acquiring the full reality of Papal Authority as it has been established by Our Lord Himself. Nothing or no one can remove that fullness of understanding from you, James, that fullness of your observing of it face to face and first hand as you have attended over seventy five General Audiences of Pope John Paul II. That form of teaching of you, James, that form of inculcating the Papacy in you, is an unprecedented form of teacher - pupil relationship that you have participated in with the Divine Master, the Divine Teacher, gently teaching you, His pupil, the vast, extraordinary facets of the Papacy in the person of Pope John Paul II. Yes, James, your attendance at over seventy five General Audiences of Pope John Paul II have been arranged by Our Lord Himself, in His role of Divine Master, Divine Teacher, teaching you His pupil, aspects and facets of the Papacy, face to face with one of His Popes, first hand experience of observing the Papacy in the person of Pope John Paul II.
Your memory is filled now, James, with those General Audiences, and God can bring back to you any single memory He chooses to re-show you at any moment He chooses to do so. He is Divine Master, Divine Teacher, and His Teaching methodology is infinitely perfect. He has taught you perfectly at each and every General Audience you have attended and each one of them is unique in every way God has planned them for you. Yes, James, each and every one of them. And you have attended over seventy five of them. Your love for Pope John Paul II is permanent record, James, and anyone who attempts to overcome and destroy you is up against Almighty God Himself. At each and every one of those General Audiences you attended your heart flowed out with love and enveloped Pope John Paul II with it. That is reality, James, and now I am making permanent record of it in the Vatican Embassy in the United States of America. Your attendance at over seventy five General Audiences of Pope John Paul II from 1988 to the present here in January 2000 is an unprecedented act of love for Pope John Paul II and an unprecedented act of faith for respect of the Papacy. Much more will be written regarding your attendance at General Audiences of Pope John Paul II, James, but by means of now making that fact permanent record in the Vatican Embassy in the United States of America, establishes additional investigateable evidence for any member of the hierarchy in the whole world. You have been in attendance at over seventy five General Audiences of Pope John Paul II in Rome, James. That is fact. That is evidence. That is unprecedented.
From Asia, from Australia, from Africa, from South America, from North America, from Europe, James, Roman Catholics travel to Rome to hopefully make a pilgrimage to Saint Peter's Basilica for one time in their lives. They do so with authenticity, for the majority of them. You have attended Mass and made Holy Hour Devotions in Saint Peter's Basilica on a daily basis for months and months at a time. And simultaneously you have lived on the streets of Rome, even sleeping on the steps of Santa Maria Maggiore. This is only one small item of your existence in Rome, James, that I am adding to permanent record in the Vatican Embassy in the United States of America. It is serving as even more evidence of fact, investigateable by any member of the hierarchy, and is being made permanent record.
The very subject of permanent record, James, in the Vatican Embassy of the United States of America, serves even as accessible in totality to the person of the Pope. For example, if I insert into permanent record in the Vatican Embassy in the United States of America that you have been in attendance at over seventy five General Audiences of Pope Jon Paul II, while you were making an unprecedented act5 of love for him and an unprecedented act of faith for respect of the Papacy, then any member of the priesthood or hierarchy who slanders your motives for being there, is up against the above statement as to your motives, which I have inserted as permanent record. Those in the Vatican Embassy in the United states of America are now taking notice of the methodology I am using here and are realizing that I respect you. Many in the priesthood and hierarchy have not respected you and they are now realizing that I respect you. And I am using a methodology that is thwarting every act they commit now to remove your effectiveness in bringing the subject of John Mark and I to the full awareness of Pope John Paul II.
When you read this, James, you can rest, and even cry tears, because my respect for you is in addition to my love for you. What you are reading is being read by others also. Those others have, or do not have, respect for you. But they will all know that I have respect for you and for your unprecedented act of love for Pope John Paul II and for your unprecedented act of faith for your respect of the Papacy.
Even with what I have written so far to you here in this letter, I know that Saint Thomas Aquinas is waiting and in that phenomenon of his presence with me now James he is going to speak to you.
Saint Thomas Aquinas:
You will remember me always, James, for the rest of your years in Church Militant as you have come to me often for my help and consolation. As has come from George's pen often, that love always comes first, now do I console you even more, with the reality that love always comes first.
Today, the day that God's Church proclaims as a Feast day in honor of me, do I speak to you. Yes, James, it is part of love. On the day proclaimed by God's Church as a Feast day in honor of me, I am in a state of joy as I spend part of that day speaking to you. It is because I too, respect you, James. In addition to my love, I too, respect you. George knows what permanent record is and George knows of respect. I do also. Now when you come to me in Summa Theologica I will envelop you in my joy and in my love. When you come to me in Summa Theologica I will show you my respect for you. When you come to me in Summa Theologica, James, I will intercede with God, through His Immaculate Mother, to grant you an absorption of Summa Theologica into your mind, in an extraordinary state of His Gift of Understanding. And I will be present to you for your help and for your consolation in a totally unique way. That unique way, James, will synthesize your recognition of love preceding understanding, for love in fact always comes first. That is the revealing of the mystery that the world refuses to recognize. And it is part of the mystery of the two witnesses, the two lampstands, the two Children of Love. That love always comes first. It is what God the Father said in words to His two Children of Love; "Love always comes first."
When you come to me in Summa Theologica, James, I will put my arm around your shoulders and you will know of the process of the writing of Summa Theologica. In gentleness you will recognize George's participation and John Mark's participation in the writing of Summa Theologica. It is because of awe, James, that my arm will be around your shoulders, the awe of the times you have seen George and John Mark in paintings, in sculpture, and now you see even more by their participation in the writing of Summa Theologica. They know that God does everything. They know that He always knows what to do. They know that He is God. And He had them participate in the writing of Summa Theologica. Now you have a deeper awareness, James, of the virtue of humility in me. Before God created His Angels, James, God taught George and John Mark language. And He taught them to the maximum of the capacity He had given them. And He had them participate in writings of God's Will, in one of which is Summa Theologica.
The whole world cannot escape George and John Mark because they are God's Children of Love. His Infinite Logic is manifest in their existence and it is why, for example, that when you come to me in Summa Theologica I am present to you in love first, and then in understanding. Because love always comes first. His Infinite Logic presents love first, to be accepted or rejected. And love always comes first.
I welcome you to Summa Theologica, James, at any time of the day or night. You will soon realize that one sentence, or even one phrase of a sentence, in Summa Theologica, may take hours of your time in my presence of love, because God Himself may be infusing you with understanding of a whole paragraph or a whole page or pages in His Infinitely Perfect Ways.
This which is coming through George's pen, James, is a part of my presence with you. You will experience me with you in certitude at different times and in different places and by this coming to close does not mean that I am leaving. When you come to me in Summa Theologica, James, you will recognize that I have not left.
I love you, James, yes, I do. And I respect you. Not only do you love me but you now know, you are loved by me. At Masses you attend now you will recognize more of my gentleness and you will be in His Peace. His Immaculate Mother is my Queen, James, and you know well of her Rosary. Enter His Peace now and I will be always helping you. George will resume his letter to you as you enter that certitude that God provides for you.
Saint Thomas Aquinas has an ease of drawing you into Summa Theologica, James, and he has done so with you many times. More is being opened up now as to the reality of Church Triumphant's constant involvement with Church Militant. And John Mark and I are in both. That fact alone God accomplishes with ease and thereby demonstrates more of His Supremacy. When you go to Saint Thomas Aquinas in Summa Theologica for his help, he draws you into his love for you in Summa Theologica thereby demonstrating that love always comes first. Love precedes understanding always, as Saint Thomas Aquinas draws you into Summa Theologica with love first.
What is coming from my pen is opening up more of the reality of what is actually taking place. Saint Ignatius of Loyola loves Saint Thomas Aquinas, James, and if you go into Chiesa Gesu you will recognize the reality of Church Triumphant coming to your aid. With that, I bring this letter to you to a close but it is really ongoing without a close.
I love you, James, I do....