May 10, 2019: Re-arranged the order of things on the page in accord with George's wishes.
May 9, 2019: Added picture of George's painting of Jesus on the shore of the Sea of Galilee to the bottom of this index page.
March 13, 2013: Changed the "ask the Pope" page to reflect the new Pope.
December 10, 2010: Changed some words on the Seven Arts and Seven Sciences section, and replaced the non-working Bible link with a working one.
June 1, 2010: removed guestbook posting capability due to excessive spam.
January 12, 2009:
George's Letter to Archbishop Hennessey:
The Final Call
September 7, 2006:
Cover Letter to Ambassadors of countries to the United States of America,
sent with the letter to Archbishop Sambi
August 14, 2006:
George's Letter to Archbishop Sambi
"But they did not listen."
May 26, 2005:
Added the contents of George's letter to All Bishops of the United States of America and of the entire world to both index pages. Also changed the address of the Pope on the "Ask the Pope" page to read "Benedict XVI".
April 17, 2005:
Added a new page, The Penitential Rosary Crusade, which is encouraged to spread now throughout the world.
In connection with this I have also added the Litany of Loreto and the 7 Fatima prayers.
In addition to this, to honor Pope John Paul II, I have added scanned images of the front and back of a prayer card created in his honor. Saint John Paul, pray for us! Amen!
January 4, 2005:
"Cosmology" is not the right word. The right word is "Cosmography." I have changed it. Cosmography is the proper term for the definition below, which I had erroneously called Cosmology.
December 25, 2004:
While logging in to change the color and the greeting for Christmas, I decided to remove the links to the newsgroup articles (on the main page) I also changed the heading "Astronomy" to "Cosmology" as it is more inclusive, Cosmology including Astronomy as well as Geography and Geology. Hopefully, I will update this section soon with some better writing and some better links.
June 05, 2004:
Removed the ads, again, hopefully this time more permanently. Also, there is now the new domain which links to this site.
May 31, 2004:
Green for Ordinary Time
NOTE: I am no longer going to update this update page every time I change the color, but I will continue to change the color for the proper season.
April 11, 2004:
White for Easter
Also added a counter to the "ask the Pope" page
March 25, 2004:
Removed bad counter codes and replaced, on index page and on George page.
Added words from "Gaudium et Spes" to the Pro-Life page.
Replaced non-working link to Preparation for Total Consecration with working link to "The Secret of Mary"
And finally, removed the ads from this web site. Yay!!
February 25, 2004:
Purple for Lent
January 11, 2004:
Green for Ordinary Time
December 24, 2003:
White for Christmas
November 30, 2003:
Purple for Advent
November 21, 2003:
George's Letter to Prince Bandar:
The Annihilation of Nations and the Collapsing of Islam
Also I fixed the link to the Bible. (new link) It works now, once again.
June 9, 2003:
Green for Ordinary Time.
April 20, 2003:
White for Easter.
March 5, 2003:
Purple for Lent.
July 4, 2002:
Added new counter from to index page.
May 19, 2002:
Green again for Ordinary Time
March 31, 2002:
White for Easter.
February 13, 2002:
1) Purple for Lent.
2) New link to the Holy Bible on catholicism page.
January 14, 2002:
Now it's Green for Ordinary Time.
January 8, 2002:
Changed it back to white because -- duh -- it's still Christmas for another week! :)
January 6, 2002:
Green for Ordinary time.
December 25, 2001:
White for Christmas + Peace message.
December 2, 2001:
Purple for Advent
August 20, 2001:
Updated the links to the newsgroup postings -- again! -- they should work now.
June 04, 2001:
Green for Ordinary Time
April 15, 2001:
White for Easter!
April 2, 2001:
Changed the links for the newsgroup articles to go to Google; now they work!
March 1, 2001:
Purple for Lent.
January 11, 2001:
January 9, 2001:
Green for Ordinary time.
December 26, 2000:
White for Christmas.
December 3, 2000:
Purple for Advent.
September 28, 2000:
George's Letter to Archbishop Montalvo -- "How do I look?"
August 5, 2000:
Added back the listing of Seven Arts and Seven Sciences to the
Roman Catholicism page.
June 12, 2000:
Green for Ordinary Time.
May 30, 2000:
New pages for each of the mysteries of the Rosary.
April 23, 2000:
White for Easter.
March 13, 2000:
Letter of George to Joseph:
The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
March 8, 2000:
Purple for Lent.
February 11, 2000:
Letter of George to James,
Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas
January 10, 2000:
Green for Ordinary Time.
January 6, 2000:
George's letter to Father Raphael.
December 25, 1999:
White for Christmas.
December 24, 1999:
George's letter to Gary Hannasch re: Co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix of All Graces
December 14, 1999:
frames! :)
December 12, 1999:
Letter of George to James for Christmas of 1999
November 28, 1999:
Color of the index page(s) changed to Purple for Advent.
August 23, 1999:
May 24, 1999:
Color of the index page(s) is now green for Ordinary Time.
April 15, 1999:
April 7, 1999:
On the "God's Child of Peace" page,A letter of George to James, March 28, 1999.
April 4, 1999:
The color of the index page is white for Easter.
March 30, 1999:
On the "God's Child of Peace" page,Locution of Our Blessed Mother to the Gathering,March 19, 1999.
March 28, 1999:
Removed the link to the Guestbook because of spam abuse.
March 15, 1999:
March 12, 1999:
On the "God's Child of Peace" page:
March 3, 1999:
All on the "God's Child of Peace" page:
February 18, 1999:
Index page is now purple for Lent.
February 12, 1999:
Message Board on the subject of George and John Mark is now set up and linked.
January 10, 1999:
Index page is now green for Ordinary Time.
January 6, 1999:
Added a link to Catholic Information Network's Catholic Information Service Home Study page under the link: "Catholic Doctrine"
December 30, 1998:
New image of Our Lady of Guadalupe
December 25, 1998:
Changed the color of the index page to white for Christmas.
December 17, 1998:
Added the following links:
December 9, 1998:
Invocation to Saint Michael on the prayers page.
November 29, 1998:
November 22, 1998:
A request that you would ask the Holy Father for discernment
November 18, 1998:
George's letter(s) to Doctor Smith re: the collapse and removal of psychiatry
October 30, 1998: