For the conversion from sin of the Archdiocese of Boston:
From sins of pride of its members, from sins of lust of its members, from sins of envy of its members, from sins of anger of its members, from sins of greed of its members, from sins of gluttony of its members, from sins of sloth of its members.
Help us, Blessed Mother, to pray your Rosary to you, now, and until all our sins we no longer commit, against your Divine Son. Help us, Our Lady of Fatima, in your spreading of your Rosary of penance for sin, throughout our Archdiocese of Boston and throughout God's entire World on Earth. Help us enter penance now with permanence, through our perpetual recitation of your Rosary. And begin now, Blessed Mother, to increase the efficacy of the rosaries we pray to you for the conversion from sins of all of us here in the Archdiocese of Boston. And spread that efficacy of your Rosary throughout Dioceses and Archdioceses in God's entire World on Earth, until finally it extends to all nations and lands.
Fulfill your promise to us now, Blessed Mother, that someday you would bring your Divine Son's Graces of conversion from sin to God's entire World on Earth through your Rosary and Scapular. Begin now, Blessed Mother, to bring the Archdiocese of Boston into its conversion from sins, to bring us into conversion from our sins, and to bring us into penance to your Divine Son because of our sins against Him. Bring to us God's Graces of Perseverance, in praying your Rosary more and more now, in remorse and contrition for our sins.
Help us, Refuge of Sinners, to pray rosary after rosary after rosary, with remorse and contrition for our sins against the Infinite Goodness of Our Lord, your Divine Son. Help us, Blessed Mother, to reject all of our sins now, with finality, through rosary after rosary after rosary.
You are strongly encouraged to propagate this in your own diocese. To that end, here is the prayer of the Penitential Rosary Crusade in .rtf format.
Please right-click and save link target to download, open it in a text
editor such as Word or WordPad, and replace each instance of "Archdiocese of Boston" with the name of your diocese or archdiocese. Then make copies
and spread this throughout the world. May God Bless you and your
efforts, and may He now bring us into the Triumph of the Immaculate
Heart of Mary. Amen!